Quick and easy pho

I woke up yesterday with a crazy craving for some pho.  Of course I did what every sane person does in such circumstances and immediately started searching on Pinterest for a recipe that even an imbecile like me could not mess up! Pinterest didn’t give me the recipe I wanted, but I did find this very quick and easy recipe via Google.  

This was so easy that anyone could do it!  It took me about 30 mins including prep time and most of that was waiting (impatiently) for the broth to be ready.

I modified mine to suit my tastes.  So instead of cans of chicken stock, I used chicken stock cubes added directly to the broth and I bought carpaccio beef so that I wouldn’t have to worry about getting my beef sliced thinly enough.  

I’m sure that now I know how easy this is to make, it will become a staple in my cooking repertoire!


What I did with my December

December consisted mainly of me being on holiday…..holiday that was much needed!  I went back to Jamaica after many years and it was amazing to say the least.  I caught up with old family, met the new and got to enjoy a lot of Jamaica.

It was basically a 3 week holiday of eating, beaches and family.  Being there made me realise two things, 1) how much I miss the island and 2) how much I miss having my family around me all the time.  I know everyone is biased towards family, but honestly my family is the best!  They give the hugs, laughs and love like no other!  I cannot wait to go back and see them.

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Before I sign off, a few tips for anyone going to Jamaica:

1) If you intend to use your bank card at the ATM there, make sure you check that your card actually works.  I didn’t and realised that when I tried to withdraw cash.  Lucky for me, I’d taken a second card just in case.

2) The party scene is quite good.  I didn’t see much, but what I saw made me love it!  I went to I love soca and big cups.  If you are there for these, you should definitely check them out!

3) If you don’t want to spend all your time in one place, just book your ticket on the Knutsford express and you could spend a few days in Kingston or Negril if you fancy.

Christmas is a time of giving

I know we have only entered into November, but I thought whilst we start gearing up and prepping our lists for Santa, your friends, family or significant other, why not add someone else to that list?! Why not add the world at large?!

We often spend hundreds on our nearest and dearest during this time. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that (I do it too!).

I just want to ask everyone to take a moment to think about those that may be less fortunate and may not have the same opportunities we do. Let’s try and do something to make their lives a bit more enjoyable, by reminding them that their are people out there who care!

Let’s do something, not because we are obliged to, but because we can!

Do something charitable this Christmas period. Your small act of charity could change a life forever!

This is what I’ve chosen to do….
