My first experience

OK, so my new years resolution was to learn to knit.  I had no previous knitting experience, but I figured that with a few Youtube videos I would be able to get the knack of it in no time!

So off I went to my local craft shop to get myself some yarn and needles.  My first shock was how expensive this hobby was.  It cost me €30 for 2 balls of yarn and a pair of needles (needles that I would later find out were actually not suitable for a beginner as they were too big).  I got home all excited and ready to start my learning.  however, due to the issues with the needles, my first attempt was not very successful.

I put the needles and yarn away and forgot about it until I was speaking to someone who is an avid knitter.  They gave me a few tips on needles and I thought I’d take the plunge and maybe order a full set to avoid the problem of having the wrong size.  

My first stop was E-bay!  There I found a set of 15 (yes you read that right!) pairs of needles for the bargain price of £18.99 with delivery.  This was actually a lot cheaper than the single pair I’d bought previously.  That one had cost me about €`10 for 1 set of needles!  So you could imagine my delight at this E-bay bargain.  Even better, they were the bamboo ones, which for those who don’t know, they’re really light and easy to work with in my opinion.

So my needles arrived and I decided to have another go with Youtube and learning.  After half an hour, I had mastered the basics and could cast on, knit and purl.  So I decided it was time to start making something.  I decided on a scarf as it is probably the easiest thing you can make as a beginner.  

This is a picture of the finished scarf.  OK it looks like I made it for a tiny person but it took me 3 weeks and I’m very proud of myself for making it.  My efforts were not wasted either….it was the perfect size to turn into a snood 🙂

For those who want to know where I bought the needles I am on about.  I will post the link in my useful links section.

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